
E Versions of R Packages Used

If you are seeing different results than what is in the book, we recommend installing the exact version of the packages we used. This can be done by first installing the remotes package via install.packages("remotes"). Then, use install_version() replacing the package argument with the package name in quotes and the version argument with the particular version number to install.

remotes::install_version(package = "skimr", version = "1.0.6")
package version
bookdown 0.36
broom 1.0.5
dplyr 1.1.3
fivethirtyeight 0.6.2
forcats 1.0.0
gapminder 1.0.0
ggplot2 3.4.4
ggplot2movies 0.0.1
ggrepel 0.9.4
infer 1.0.5
ISLR 1.4
janitor 2.2.0
kableExtra 1.3.4
knitr 1.45
lubridate 1.9.3
moderndive 0.5.5
mvtnorm 1.2-3
nycflights13 1.0.2
patchwork 1.1.3
purrr 1.0.2
readr 2.1.4
scales 1.2.1
sessioninfo 1.2.2
skimr 2.1.5
stringr 1.5.0
tibble 3.2.1
tidyr 1.3.0
tidyverse 2.0.0
viridis 0.6.4
viridisLite 0.4.2